- 詳細內容
The Constitution of
Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College Alumni Association
Section I: General
Article 1: Name
The full name shall be "Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College Alumni Association" ("the Association") and the Chinese name shall be "保良局董玉娣中學舊生會".
Article 2: Address
The address of the Association shall be Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College, Wu King Est., Tuen Mun.
Article 3: Objectives
- To facilitate understanding and general welfare among members of the Association;
- To enhance good relationship between members;
- To organize and mobilize the alumni of the College and promote fraternity amongst them;
- To coordinate the affiliated associations of the College;
- To develop good relationship with other clubs, societies and associations of the College in academic, social and cultural aspects;
- To promote the image of the Association
Article 4: Authority
The Association shall be the sole organization with authority to represent the alumni of the Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College (“the College”).
Article 5: Official Language
The official languages of the Association shall be English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of this constitution, unless otherwise stated, the English version shall prevail.
Article 6: Term
The term of the Association shall commence on August 1 each year immediately after the Annual General Meeting and terminate on July 31 in the following year.
Section II: Membership
Article 1: Voting Membership
All alumni of the Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College who are enrolled in the College for a period of [one or more than one year] and upon payment of the membership fee shall be automatically entitled to apply for voting membership of the Association. Such members shall be known as Voting Members. All voting Members are entitled to life time membership.
Article 2: Honorary Membership
All current and former members of the staff of the College shall be eligible for honorary membership of the Association. Such individuals shall be known as Honorary Members.
Article 3: Membership Fee
The amount of Membership Fee shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the Association (“the Executive Committee”). A public notice of at least seven clear days beforehand shall be given to all Voting Members for the proposed new fee to be approved at a subsequent Annual General Meeting of the Association (the “AGM”). Membership fees are not refundable or transferable.
Article 4: The Executive Committee shall have full discretion as to the admission of any person to membership and shall not be required to give any reason for refusing membership to anyone.
REMARK: Up to the decision made in annual general meeting 2010, the membership fee is $30.
Section III: Privileges
Article 1: All Members
All members of the Association shall be entitled to enjoy all services provided by the Association, to participate in all activities organized by the Association and to attend and speak at all general meetings of the Association.
Article 2: Voting Members
Only Voting Members have the right to vote, to nominate and to be nominated for election, and to be elected to hold office in Executive Committee.
Article 3:
All Honorary Members shall have the right to attend and speak at general meetings o the Association
Section IV: Obligations
Article 1: Every member shall observe and abide by all provisions of this Constitution, bye-laws and all resolutions of general meetings of the Association for the time being in force.
Section V: General Meeting
Article 1: Annual General Meeting
- The AGM issued by the Executive Committee shall be held once every year.
- The AGM shall be held on a date between July 1 and July 31 every year.
- A notice of the AGM and the agenda shall be issued by the Executive Committee to all members seven days prior to this meeting. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by, any person entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting.
- The business of the AGM shall include:
- To receive and adopt the minutes of the previous AGM together with the minutes of all Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association (the “EGM”), which may have been held since the previous AGM;
- To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Internal Secretary for the current term;
- To receive and adopt:
- The Financial Secretary’s report;
- The audited statement of accounts of the Association; and
- The balance sheet of the Association for the current session;
- To elect the office-bearers of the Association, if necessary in that year;
- To approve revisions to the Membership fee, if any;
- To approve revisions to the donation amount of Students Improvement Award, if any;
- To approve amendments to the Constitution, if any; and
- Any other business.
Article 2: Extraordinary General Meeting
- The Executive Committee may convene an EGM for any purpose as it thinks fit.
- The Executive Committee shall convene an EGM upon a requisition signed one-tenth or 20 (whichever is smaller) of the Voting Members and such requisition shall specify the special business and the nature of such business of the proposed EGM.
- A written notice and agenda of an EGM shall be posted to all members not less than fifteen clear days prior to the EGM and the notice convening the EGM shall specify the business to be discussed. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by, any person entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting.
- Business not stated on the agenda shall not be discussed in any EGM.
Article 3: Delegation of Voting Right
- Any member may vote by proxy by authorizing in writing another Voting Member to vote on his behalf in the General Meeting.
- A Voting Member who is so authorized by another Voting Member shall present his valid HKID Card or Passport with the authorization note of the Voting Member who authorized him before he is allowed to vote on the latter’s behalf.
Article 4: Quorum
- One-tenth of the Voting Members or 20 Voting Members (whichever is less) of the Association present shall form the quorum of all general meetings.
- If a quorum is not present within an hour from the time scheduled for the General Meeting, the Meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the following week and at the same time. At that adjourned Meeting, all Voting Members present shall form a quorum.
Article 5: Authority
The highest authority is vested in the resolutions passed at all General Meetings.
Article 6: Voting
- Unless specified otherwise, all resolutions at General Meetings shall be passed by a simple majority of the members present. In the case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.
Section VI: Executive Committee
Article 1: Structure
- Office-bearers
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following 13 Executive Committee Members:
- Chairperson
- Internal Vice-Chairperson
- External Vice-Chairperson
- Internal Secretary
- External Secretary
- Financial Secretary
- Recreational Secretary
- Promotion and Publicity Secretary
- Public Relations Secretary
- Publication Secretary
- Marketing Secretary
- Information Systems Secretary
- Welfare Secretary
- Authority and Responsibilities
- Powers
The Executive Committee shall be the executive body of the Association, and shall have the power to:
- Represent the Association in all matters concerning the Association;
- Carry out functions required to further the objectives of the Association and implement the resolutions passed at the General Meetings for the general interest of members of the Association;
- Make all regulations and exercise all powers, which shall be necessary and proper for the carrying out their responsibilities, as set out in this Constitution.
- Responsibilities
- If there is no elected Executive Committee for the next term, the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson(s), Financial Secretary and Secretaries (Internal & External) shall hold office for one additional term.
- Duties of Executive Committee Members
- The Chairperson shall be the chief executive and shall represent the Association in all affairs, and preside in all meetings of the Association.
- The Internal Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in all internal affairs, and shall act as the ex-officio Chairperson of the Executive Committee and all meetings of the Association in the absence of the Chairperson.
- The External Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in all external affairs.
- The Internal Secretary shall be responsible for internal secretarial support, keeping the membership roll of the Association, and the preparation of agenda and minutes of all Executive Committee Meetings and General Meetings of the Association.
- The External Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondences of the Association and external secretarial support.
- The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Association.
- The Recreational Secretary shall be responsible for organizing activities of the Association.
- The Promotion and Publicity Secretary shall be responsible for the promotion and publicity of the Association.
- The Public Relations Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining all public relations of the Association.
- The Publication Secretary shall be responsible for all publications for the Association.
- The Marketing Secretary shall be responsible for all marketing activities of the Association.
- The Information Systems Secretary shall be responsible for managing the information system of the Association.
- The Welfare Secretary shall be responsible for all welfare matters of the Association.
Section VI: Election
Article 1: Term of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be elected for a two-year term at the AGM and shall hold office from August 1 to July 31 two years later.
Article 2: Nomination
Nominations for the Executive Committee Members shall open three weeks before the AGM and the nomination period shall end one week before the AGM.
Article 3: Voting
- Only Voting Members shall have the right to vote and being nominated and elected as Executive Committee Members.
- In case there is only one nominee for the Committee, the nominee is elected upon receiving a simple majority of votes
- In case there are two or more nominees for the Committee, the nominee who receives the highest number of votes shall be elected.
Article 4: Representatives of Former Committee
- The Executive Committee of the current term shall invite at least one of the members from the Executive Committee of the previous term to attend the Committee meetings in each term on at least two occasions and whenever necessary.
- These representatives shall have no voting rights in any Executive Committee meetings, and shall not be counted as part of the quorum for all Executive Committee meetings.
Article 5: Vacancies and Resignations
- Should the Chairperson resign his / her post, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened to elect a new Chairperson.
- A vacancy in the Committee other than that of the Chairperson can be filled by any Voting Member of the Association appointed by the Committee. Any Executive Committee Member so appointed shall hold office only for the residue of the term of the vacant office of that committee member until the next AGM and shall then be eligible for election as an Executive Committee Member.
- The office of an Executive Committee Member shall be ipso facto vacated if he/she has:-
- failed to attend Committee Meetings without prior notice to the Executive Committee or without a reason deemed proper by the Committee,
- resigned his office in writing to the Executive Committee; or
- been removed by a resolution of no less than 60% of all voting Members at an EGM; or
- ceased to be a Voting Member.
- An Executive Committee Member may resign from office at any time and notice of such resignation shall be in writing addressed to the Executive Committee.
Article 6: Executive Committee Meetings
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least five times in its term and whenever necessary.
- Executive Committee meetings shall be convened by the Chairperson.
- Each officer-bearer except the Chairperson shall be given one vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
- At least two-thirds of the officer-bearers shall form a quorum. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned at the same time and place within 15 days. At this adjourned meeting, the members present shall form a quorum.
- The Executive Committee shall have the right to invite any persons to attend Executive Committee Meetings.
Article 7: Sub-committee
The Executive Committee shall have the authority to delegate its powers to such sub-committees consisting of such person or persons as it deems necessary and as it thinks fit and from time to time revoke such delegation and discharge any such sub-committees wholly or in part.
Delete the article about alumni manager (Not necessary)
Section VIII: Financial Matters
Article 1: Funds of the Association
- If there is a deficit during a term of the Association, and the deficit amount is larger than 20% of the total amount of membership fees received in that term, all members of the Executive Committee in office for that term shall be held responsible personally for at least 20% of the deficit.
- The Association shall not incur any external debts or make any external borrowings.
Article2: Students Improvement Award
- This award is given out to encourage students of Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College who have made improvements in their studies between Form 5 and Form 6.
- 1/15 of the total membership fees collected and 1/10 of the surplus of activities carried out by Association during each term shall be transferred to the Students Improvement Award account.
- The number of awards to be given out each year shall be decided by the Executive Committee in office for that year.
Article 3: Signing of cheques etc.
All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments, an all receipts for moneys paid to the Association, shall be made, signed, drawn, accepted and endorsed or otherwise executed in such manners as shall be determined by the Executive Committed from time to time.
Section IX: Quitting
Article 1: Procedures
a Member shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Association if the Member
(1) resigns by notice in writing to the Association,
(2) is removed by a resolution of the Executive Committee or
(3) neglects or refuses to comply with any of the Articles after written notice sent to him by the Executive Committee directing his attention to such neglect or refusal and fails to take any remedial action within a reasonable time.
Such member who resigns shall forfeit all rights in and claims upon the Association.
Article 2: Re-activation of membership
- In case the resigned member would like to re-join the Association, he / she has to pay the current Membership Fee.
- The re-validation of the membership shall be approved by the Committee of the Association.
Section X: Suspension of Membership
Article 1: Passing of Resolution
- A proposal of the suspension of membership at an EGM may be moved against any member who willfully refuses or neglects to comply with the provisions of this Constitution and any resolutions passed at general meetings of the Association with the signed requisition of:
- the Committee; or
- 1/3 of the Members or 60 Members (whichever is more) of the Association.
- A written notice, signed by the Chairperson of the Association, shall be sent to each of the members concerned seven days before the matter is proposed at the EGM.
- The member(s) concerned has / have the right to speak at the EGM when the motion to suspend his / her membership is proposed.
- A resolution passed by not less than 60 % of the Voting Members present in the EGM on such a motion shall be valid.
Article 2: Consequences and Re-activation of Membership
- Any member whose membership is suspended will lose all his / her privileges in the Association and shall forfeit all rights in and claims upon the Association.
- In the event the suspended member would like to apply for a re-activation of his/her membership, his / her application shall be seconded by an existing Voting Member after he/she has paid the prevailing membership fee.
- The re-activation of a suspended member’s membership shall be deliberated upon and approved by the Executive Committee.
Section XI: Amendment and Interpretation of the Constitution
Article 1: Amendment
- No addition, alteration or amendment shall be made to or in this Constitution for the time being in force, unless such addition, alteration or amendment has been proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Voting Members in a general meeting and submitted to the Registrar of Societies.
Article 2: Interpretation
The Committee shall have the sole authority of interpreting the Constitution.
Section XII: Dissolution of the Association
Article 1:
The Association may only be dissolved by a resolution passed by at least three-quarters of the Voting Members present at an EGM convened for that specific purpose.
Article 2:
All assets and liabilities of the Association upon its dissolution shall be dealt with at the EGM and in no event shall the remaining assets, if any, of the Association be distributed to any member of the Association.
Section XIII: others
- All activities organized by the Association shall not contravene the Education Ordinance, the internal administration of the College and the rules and regulations as stipulated by the Po Leung Kuk from time to time.
- No member of the Association shall organize any activities or make any public statement in the name of the Association without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
- No member of the Association shall use the College’s facilities for any of the Association’s activities or use the College’s emblem or constitution without the prior approval of the College.
- All documentary records, records of receipts and payments, cheque books and the seal of the Association shall be kept at the address of the Association.